Fat acceptance also involves recognizing the deceitful practices of the weight-loss industry and countering them. Fat acceptance involves accepting our friends, co-workers and family at the size they are now. It involves recognizing the way advertising and media reports have skewed our ideas about size and health, and size and beauty - and recognizing that many of us have internalized those attitudes and ideas.
To me, that is more than "fat acceptance" -- I don't want non-fat people to offer me mere "acceptance" (as though it were a hand-out of some kind). I want to be valued according to my ideas, my work, my contributions to society, my spirit, my ethics, and how I live within the human community, but not according to the size of my body or people's erroneous assumptions about "how it got that way."
Es amor.
Now I do my talking with a gun and blood will spill into the gutters and it will stain the morning sun.
Es amor.
Now I do my talking with a gun and blood will spill into the gutters and it will stain the morning sun.