Página 156:
The fact that heart disease is a symptom of lack of control explains a good deal about its sporadic appearance. [...] It explains why unemployement and welfare dependency are so good at making people ill. No alpha-male monkey was ever such a intransigent and implacable controller of subordinates' lives as the social services of the state are of people dependent on welfare.
En serio xDDD este libro tiene algunos datos interesantes, pero las chorradas neocón aleatorias que te suela sin venir a cuento son la polla.
No me lo puedo creer. Pero es que putos americanos.
Relacionado con el libro en sí, un artículo MUY acojonante.
Not only is there no God, but try getting a plumber on weekends (Woody Allen) || http://nsnm.blogspot.com/