Vaya panda de engendros del demonio.
Menudas perlas va soltando el cabrón:
With what you shaved? With a broken beer bottle?
Look at those insitions... seems like someone did with a fucking sword!!
Daaaaaaamn... those are natural dear grandma titties, aren't they?
Usually i make fun of girls but you're actually alright, you should be proud of yourself
- These guys tell me you're a pornstar
- (wheeeaaaaa) Yes
- I never heard of you... don't even care
(la tía enseña las tetas)
- Hummm... I've seen better
- Oh fuck you
- I've seen better just yesterday
That is some bitch shit right there man (le enfoca la cara) ohhh good god
- Where are you from?
- Chicago
- Awesome...
- In Chicago you just ate pizza?
People who watch this wanna masturbate... and it's very difficult with an ugly beast like you
- Is that your money maker?
- Yes it is!
- That's disgusting
- Pfffffff
- Oh god man... i need this to turn me off
-(descojone) i was turned off when i turned on the camera
- Alright, lift up, let's see with what deal we're on down here... not your tits, idiot
- Ohhh (se levanta el vestido)
- Aghhhh
(una negra con los dientes hechos mierda se descojonan de ella y le empieza a chupar la polla al otro)
- Oh man... it's like a ghetto chupacabra
Dios mío, genial.
Ghetto chupacabra.
Eres como Mike Tyson pero más retrasada
- Póngase eso y sea usted mismo, señor alienado solo lobo solitario divertido distante metazeador tecnócrata racionalista jodido montón de mierda.