Ha ocurrido hace unas horas, ante cientos de internautas que han visto perplejos como un chico de 21 años se ha ahorcado delante de su webcam.
Este medio dia, alguien dejo escrito esto en un foro.
I have decided to take my own life through hanging.
I have tested to strangle myself to get the feel of it.
I took some painkillers a few minutes ago (100mg dexofen and 1500mg paracetamol), waiting for it to set in.
I have put up a webcam with a program that makes a dump every two seconds and put up an FTP where the images will go.
I will post the IPort and login right before i do it
Para el que no sepa ingles, basicamente comenta que ha decidido suicidarse ahorcandose, que ha tomado un monton de analgesicos y que posteara los datos de la webcam para que todo el mundo lo vea.
Poco despues volvio a postear
I am a guy, 21 years of age.
Have a good life, studying, have my own apartment and good money from the government. I have asperger syndrome/high functioning autism
I am exaggerated vulnerable emotionaly.
I have poor social skills and that have made me a lonely person.
I think i had fairly good upbringing even though i had problems at school. It makes no sense i want to kill myself? No i know *smiley with tongue*
Finalmente, su ultimo post
I am starting to feel im changing my mind so i have to hurry up
Segundos despues activo la webcam. Alguien hizo un gif del video:
Han barrido el .gif. Aun así, escalofriante.
Sólo queda una imagen de los médicos intentando reanimarlo.
Me gusta cuando se mira las uñas mientras está en la soga.